Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Future Of Us

Reading Response

In the book, "The Future of Us," the authors, Jay Asher and Carolyn Mackler, make Emma seem like an undecided person. At first when Emma and Josh, the main characters, found out about Facebook, Emma seemed to have a problem with her future. Throughout the book,  she changes her future even in the slightest way. She decides on not ever going to a particular college and decides not to move into a specific place.

On pages 220-225, Emma starts to make decisions about her future. She decides to play a game called "refresh," which is, she decides on doing things, like, dirty her room on purpose and not clean it, to change her future, partly because she doesn't like her future. On page 222, Emma empties a vase filled with dirty water on her white carpet and decides to not do anything about it, which changes her future. Before, Emma seemed to be trapped in her apartment, and after, she isn't trapped and she needs a babysitter.

Emma notices that she was living in Columbus, Ohio at the moment, but decides she doesn't agree with the place she was living in since she is a marine biologist. She then decides on never agreeing to moving to Columbus, Ohio. After Emma refreshes the page, she now lives in London, England. Josh then says, "This is scary. You're not even doing things anymore. You're just making up your mind and changing your life."

I still haven't finished the book, but up to what I am reading, Emma still hasn't decided on what future she wants. She just continues with school but continues to think about what is happening in school and how will it affect her future. All she can think about is her future, and her future husband.

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